Top 10 Essential Oils to Get a Better Night's Sleep

Let’s face it, if we are not sleeping, we don’t feel good!

If there is one thing most people could use a little more of it is sleep. I don’t know about you, but I did not know how much of my adulthood would be spent discussing how much I wished I could sleep more. 
Of course, the more we stress about sleep the more elusive sleep becomes and then before we know it, we can’t sleep because we are stressed about not getting enough sleep. So, I thought I would share my top tips for getting yourself out of the vicious cycle that is adulthood sleep deprivation. 
I will be sharing my top ten favorite essential oils for better sleep as well as some other tricks that have helped me get more sleep. 

But first, why is getting enough sleep so important?

The mind and body are recharged through sleep; it is an essential function to keeping the mind and body healthy. Sleep deprivation has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. 
Sleep helps the body strike a hormonal balance. Unbalanced hormones can lead to insulin resistance and lead to type 2 diabetes. A lack of sleep may also affect the motivation to be physically active. 
Sleep deprivation reduces brain function, impairs concentration, and can lead to memory loss. People with good sleeping habits have been shown to be more productive. Getting adequate sleep has also been linked to the ability to recognize other people’s emotions and expressions, and shows more emotional and social intelligence. 
Mental health is severely impaired by sleep deprivation which leads to depression and other mental health issues. 
Sleep supports healthy growth and development within the body. Your immune system is dependent on getting enough sleep to keep the body healthy. 

How much sleep do we actually need?

This can vary from person to person, but below you will find some rough estimates based on age. 
Infants: 12-16 hours to include naps 
Toddlers 1-2: 11-14 hours to include naps 
Children 3-5: 10-13 hours to include naps 
School aged children 6-12: 9-12 hours 
Teens 13-18: 8-10 hours 
Adults over 18: 7-8 hours 

My Top 10 Sleep Oils

1. Serenity
Serenity is doTERRA’s restful blend, it was specifically designed to help you get a more restful night’s sleep. 
This oil is a proprietary blend of Lavender Flower. Cedarwood, Ho Wood Lead, Ylang Ylang Flower, Marjoram Leaf, Roman Chamomile Flower, Vetiver Root, Vanilla Bean Absolute, and Hawaiian Sandalwood. 
I like to use this oil by putting it directly on my body. Usually, I will add a little Serenity to the bottoms of my feet, which is a great place to apply any essential oil. Applying essential oils to the bottom of the feet helps them to soak into the pores and into the bloodstream; this is really relaxing to the body. 
I also really love applying Serenity around my ears. It is a must to have an essential oil diffuser in your bedroom. I love doTERRA’s Volo diffuser for the bedroom, it will run all night long, it is also very quiet and doesn’t have a light on it. Any essential oil diffuser will do though, so don’t think you have to have this exact diffuser. 

To see a review of doTERRA's essential oil diffusers, watch the video below. 

I like to start diffusing about thirty minutes before bed so that the aroma has time to fill the room and set the tone for a restful night’s sleep. 
In addition to diffusing Serenity, I also like to combine taking the Serenity gel capsules which are designed to be used in partnership with the serenity oil and to increase sleep. 
If you try any of the products from this list, let this be the product you try first. 

2. Adaptiv 
Adaptiv oil is doTERRA’s calming blend. 
It contains Wild Orange, Lavender, Copaiba, Spearmint, Magnolia, Rosemary, Neroli, and Sweetgum. 
This oil was designed to help decrease the stress response within the brain. Stress is what keeps many of us from falling asleep and staying asleep. Adaptiv is great to use during the day in high stress situations, but you can also diffuse it at night. 
This is another oil I like to apply behind the ears. 
3. Peace 
This is doTERRA’s Peace Reassuring Blend. 
Peace contains Vetiver Root, Lavender Flower, Ylang Ylang Flower, Frankincense Resin, Clary Sage Flower, Majoram Leaf, Labdanum Leaf/Stalk, and Spearmint Herb. The smell is earthy. 
I love this oil for it's grounding ability. When my daughter was a baby, I was able to catch a video of her fussing and then calming down as soon as I placed a bottle of peace under her nose. You can watch that video here
This oil is also great to use during yoga for a relaxing, grounding experience. 
I like to use this oil in the diffuser and on the bottoms of my feet.  

4. Breathe 
This is doTERRA’s respiratory blend and was designed to support a healthy respiratory system.  
This blend contains Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Peppermint Plant, Melaleuca Leaf, Lemon Peel, Cardamom Seed, and Ravensara Leaf essential oils. 
It can be difficult to stay asleep if your breathing becomes shallow, so diffusing this oil in your bedroom can really help to keep those airways open and keep you asleep longer. 
I like to diffuse this with lavender. 
For some people the peppermint oil in this blend can be stimulating, so you will need to test this oil out with your body’s chemistry to see if this is a relaxing oil or a stimulating oil for you. Combining this oil with lavender can help promote feelings of relaxation. 

5. Lavender 
Lavender is known as the calming oil. It is calming to the brain, the skin, and emotionally. You can add this oil to a diffuser with other oils or diffuse it by itself. 
This oil is also great for skin irritation or minor burns. I actually keep lavender in the kitchen because I am prone to burning myself while cooking and this helps with the discomfort. It also works for mild sunburns as well. 
If you are the type of person who puts lotion on before going to bed you can combine a few drops of lavender with your favorite unscented lotion and apply to your body before bed to promote an all-over calming effect.

6. Cedarwood
Cedarwood is a very earthy blend, it actually smells like walking though Home Depot right after they cut wood. 
I like to add this oil to my dryer balls before I dry my bedsheets. The dryer balls leave a very mild scent on my sheets when they are done drying and I find this very calming when I crawl into bed. 
You could also make a linen spray with Wild Orange and Cedarwood to spray on your sheets before bed. It’s also a good one to diffuse with lavender or to just put directly on the skin. 
No matter how you decide to use it this oil is great for producing calming emotions and relaxation. 

7. Copaiba 
If I had to sum this oil up in one word, I would describe it as homeostasis. This oil truly brings homeostasis to the body. 
This oil has a mild smell that is slightly earthy, but it doesn’t have a ton of aroma. I recommend diffusing it with another oil. 
This oil can be applied directly to the body or you can put a drop under your tongue, which is great for physical discomfort, feeling stressed out, or feeling anxious. It helps to support a healthy neurological system. There are so many amazing benefits for your body of using this oil. 
If you prefer this oil also comes in a capsule that you can use in partnership with the serenity capsules to create a magical sleep combination. 

8. Frankincense 
When in doubt use Frankincense. This oil is really cool because of its historical uses. In Ancient Egypt it was used as incense and said to be one of the most valuable essential oils. 
This oil is a great sleep aid because it relieves stress and promotes relaxation. 
Frankincense has similar properties to Copaiba and has so many good benefits for the body. This is another oil I recommend using under the tongue. 
I also really like diffusing this oil with other oils like Wild Orange or Roman Chamomile.  

9.  Wild Orange
Wild Orange like many of the other oils on this list promotes a sense of calm. I have already mentioned a little bit about combining it with other oils on this list. 
This oil is really great to use if you are the kind of person who wakes up in the middle of the night. Just keep this oil by the bed and when you wake up, add a couple drops to what you are already diffusing, and slip back into a calm sleep. 

10. Vetiver 
This is an oil that is exceptionally calming, especially to people or kiddos who have trouble focusing during the day. 
This could be used during the day behind the ears on the bottom of the feet and in the diffuser. Vetiver oil is another earthy smelling oil. 
It is very thick root oil so it will take a little patience to get it out, you can use a dropper if you’d like to use the oil in the diffuser. I really like this oil on the bottom of my feet though. 
The first time I used vetiver on the bottoms of my feet, I felt completely and totally relaxed and the great thing is there is nothing in this oil that would be bad for you it’s just pure vetiver root. 

Other Tips for Getting Enough Sleep

Establish a Bedtime Routine 
  • Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day. 
    1. Changing your schedule on the weekends or on your days off will mess with your internal clock.

  • Pay attention to what tasks relax you and get you in the mindset of going to sleep. 

  • Start the diffuser with some of the oils mentioned above 30-minutes before bedtime. 

  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark.
Make the Hour Before Bedtime Quiet Time 
  • Avoid stimulating activities. 
  • Use blue light blocking glasses starting at least an hour before bed. 
    1. I like this brand and they have good reviews on amazon. 
    2. Blue light has been shown to trigger the brain that it is time to be awake.

Spend Time Outside 
Participate in Physical Activity (at least 30 minutes a day) 
Avoid Alcoholic Drinks Before Bed 
Limit Caffeine After 6 pm 

Download doTERRA's eBook, Essential Oils and Sleep, for some more sleep tips. 

Watch the YouTube Video below to see these oils in action. 

I hope this helps you get more sleep. If you need any help buying any of the oils listed in this post, please get in touch. I will be happy to help you. 

Happy Sleeping! 


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