Copaiba Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, & Sourcing with doTERRA | Co-Impact Sourcing Series

What is Copaiba essential oil and why you will want to have it in your essential oil collection immediately?!

If you follow me, you already know I am an essential oil lover.  I have been using essential oils since I was a child and use at least a dozen a day in our home for everyday wellness, diffusing, cleaning, and even cooking. Not a single day goes by without me cracking open a little bottle of essential oils. 

Of all the essential oils I have used over the years, Copaiba stands out in a league of its own. The first time I used it, I applied a few drops to the back of my neck and received immediate tension relief that I have not experienced before. 

I have a trigger point in my right shoulder blade that radiates pain and creates intense tension headaches whenever I am stressed. Sometimes the tension stays for days or even weeks at a time. Previously, I have found some relief with chiropractic adjustments, massage, and essential oils but to a lesser extent. When I applied the Copaiba oil to my neck and shoulders, I could feel the fascia tissue unwind. It felt like a literal unwinding of tissue comparable to turning back the hands of a clock. For the first time, the tension disappeared within minutes instead of hours or days. I could also feel a pleasant tingling sensation throughout my body and down my spine. I also noticed a pleasant shift in my mood and I felt like my brain was smiling. 


doTERRA’s Copaiba essential oil is responsibly and sustainably sourced from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The process of harvesting the Copaiba oleoresin is similar to how one would tap a maple tree. A harvester will look for healthy Copaiba trees that have large diameter trunks. They then drill a small hole approximately three feet from the ground. Once the hole has been drilled, the sawdust is cleaned off and the oleoresin collector is put in place.  Once the oleoresin has been collected from the initial tap, a plug is inserted into the hole and the harvester will return to the tree every few weeks to collect additional oleoresin while the tree continues to live, thrive and grow. 

Copaiba is one of the top 10 essential oils that have the greatest impact in the communities where they are sourced through doTERRA's co-impact sourcing model. 

By sourcing Copaiba oleoresin for essential oil in one of the poorest communities in Brazil, we support the livelihoods of at least 3,000 harvesters. Although harvesters had oleoresin buyers in the past, they were not guaranteed a fair market price for their product, and sales were irregular. Through dōTERRA, these harvesters are now paid a fair, previously agreed upon price for their oleoresin regularly and reliably.

In additional to fair wages, doTERRA has helped the harvesting 
community in the following ways:

2019 Dental Project ($26,920)

2020 Covid Relief –Food Parcels ($18,240)

2021 Covid Relief –Medical Equipment & Healthcare units

In 2019, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation (dHHF) funded a dental clinic for 350 residents of seven remote Copaiba-harvesting communities to address urgent oral healthcare needs.


During the pandemic, dHHF collaborated with our Copaiba sourcing partner to provide support for local hospitals and healthcare units as well as basic needs for families and individuals throughout Pará. Supplies and equipment needed for two hospitals and 24 healthcare units throughout the Oriximina, Faro, and Terra Santa municipalities of Pará were distributed. 

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation also collaborated on a food security initiative with our sourcing partner, providing basic food supplies, such as dried milk and beans, and hygienic supplies such as soap and detergent. These packages were delivered to 450 families, about 2,250 people total, in seven harvesting areas.



Are you ready for a brief physiology lesson? I’m going to share some insight with you from world-renowned essential oil expert, Dr. David Hill.  In order to properly understand how Copaiba affects your body you first need to have a basic understanding on the endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body, brain tissue, and organs.  The primary focus of these receptors is to help the body achieve and maintain homeostasis (balance within the body).


The Endocannabinoid system is critical for several components of your health and functions through the Cannabinoid Receptors (CB). There have been 2 CB receptors discovered, CB1 and CB2. CB1 affects the brain and the central nervous system, including thermal regulation, energy, and appetite. For example, you may have heard a lot of research about marijuana and its impact on ocular health, which happens through interaction with the CB1 receptor in the central nervous system.

CB2 receptors have a reach that’s outside the central nervous system and primarily impact the Endocrine system, including the glandular system within the body and the body’s immune system. These are very targeted and very direct outcomes.
Stimulating the CB2 receptors means that the body is under protection. As a result, the body is less likely to damage tissues and experiences faster tissue recovery.


A cannabinoid is defined as anything that works with the CB Receptors… CB1, CB2, or both. The 3 main cannabinoids that I’m going to teach you about today are: 1. CannaBiDiol (CBD) 2. TetraHydroCannabinol (THC), and 3. BetaCaroPhyllene (BCP).
Let's start with CBD. You may have heard about or read about CBD oil in the media. Let me help you understand a little bit more about CBD.

CBD is a cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant. In order to have a therapeutic response within the body, there must be proper concentration and proper delivery of CBD. Chemists in doTERRA tested a number of the most popular CBD oils in the marketplace and found either CBD was not present or was present in extremely small quantities. We’re not talking 1-5% we’re talking like .02%. Very small, small amounts. The other challenge that exists with CBD is improper processing, sustainability of sourcing, and whether or not the compound or the chemistry is even present in the oil in a high enough concentration to create the benefit we’re looking for.

Is CBD present in the Cannabis plant? Yes, however this does not mean it’s going to be present in the oil. The analysis showed that in general, it’s not. The CBD oils studied also showed that CBD oil doesn’t directly affect the CB2 receptor. CBD has an indirect route. Direct activity is ideal because when there is direct activity there is a direct response that correlates with what the receptor should do. This does not mean that CBD is not a good thing. It just means it’s not readily available, isn't always present in therapeutic amounts, and does not directly affect the CB2 receptors.  

The second cannabinoid is THC and is found in the cannabis plant .  THC interacts almost exclusively with the CB1 receptors which affects the brain and can cause hallucinations. It's also illegal in many states. THC is also what tests positive on a drug test. We are not looking for that type of affect with our essential oil usage.

So that leaves us with the third cannabinoid, BCP. BCP has some significant potential associated with it. First, It doesn’t interact with CB1 receptors in the central nervous system which means it will not cause any hallucinations or appetite increases that we see with some of the other products that are available. Secondly BCP, does directly interact with the CB2 receptor vs indirectly like CBD. The CB2 receptors primarily impacts the endocrine system and immune system. 

There are many essential oils that have BCP in them including: Copaiba (55%), Black Pepper (21%), Melissa (13%), Ylang Ylang (13%), Clove (8%), Helichrysum (5%), Juniper Berry (5%). All of these oils help the body to recover, overcome addiction-type behaviors, eliminate environmental threats, and support the endocrine system. 

There is not any one single oil that is going to do all things in all circumstances. It cannot exist and it will not exist because your body doesn’t work that way. Your body's chemistry and physiology is far too complex. In my opinion, Copaiba far exceeds any of the other options out there and is essential to add to your wellness routine.


I am frequently asked if Copaiba will test positive on a drug test. The answer is NO, Copaiba will NOT test positive on a drug test because it doesn't contain THC or any other illegal substance in it.


doTERRA's Copaiba is extremely unique. It’s a blend of four different species of Copaiba trees. Now why would doTERRA do that? Some would argue they do it because it gives sustainability, but that’s not the primary purpose behind combining four species of this essential oil.

Blending four species significantly increases the therapeutic potential. It increases potency and increases the diversity of that potency. This combination is not something you’ll be able to find anywhere else. It is truly unique to doTERRA. As a result of blending the four species the following outcomes can be enhanced:

  1. Liver and antioxidant support. 
  2. Cardiovascular health. 
  3. Sustain proper immune response.
  4. Digestive support.
  5. Support proper neurological function.
  6. Proper respiratory function.

  1. Take 2 drops in a capsule morning and evening for cellular support.
  2. Blend with Frankincense and/or Siberian Fir to magnify results. 
  3. Add 2 drops mixed with citrus in water. 
  4. Take 1 or 2 drops under the tongue each morning.
  5. Blend with peppermint for digestive support at mealtime.

  1. Apply directly over the desired area diluted in fractionated coconut oil. Doing this holds the essential oil directly into the tissues. 
  2. Combine with Blue Tansy for soothing relief to skin irritations and minimize blemishes.
  3. Blend with a facial moisturizer and Cedarwood to support the underlying tissues of the skin.

  1. It is just as simple as breathing in the aroma. But I would suggest that you learn to use this oil periodically throughout the day to calm and soothe the emotions.
  2. Combine with citrus oils to elevate the mood. 
  3. Combining  with Siberian Fir or a floral oil will cause it to be deeply relaxing and soothing to the body.

Well that’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed your introduction to the benefits of Copaiba essential oil and a summarized physiology lesson from Essential Oil Expert, Dr David Hill. 

In additional to being highly effective, Copaiba oil is also extremely affordable. A 15ml bottle contains approximately 250 drops of essential oil and is $49.33 retail or $37 wholesale. The wholesale price is equivalent to 15 cents per drop!! You only need a couple drops per application so it makes this bottle extremely affordable. You can purchase retail here or save 25% on all of your purchases from doTERRA by becoming a wholesale customer

Wholesale pricing is available to all with no minimums or monthly requirements. 
Already a wholesale customer? Order your favorite wellness essentials on your next LRP and receive 10-30% back in free product points. Explore the benefits of the Loyalty Rewards Program here.

Curious about all the ways you can use essential oils? 

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