Helichrysum Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, & Sourcing with doTERRA | Co-Impact Sourcing Series

Helichrysum is an exceptional oil to use for all things skin. It has been referred to as the "Everlasting Flower", because of its rejuvenating benefits for the skin and ability to enhance complexion. It is used in anti-aging products for its rejuvenating benefits. Helichrysum essential oil can help reduce the appearance of blemishes, and it promotes a glowing, youthful complexion. 

In a previous article of mine, Co-Impact Sourcing with doTERRA | What Makes doTERRA Essential Oils Different, I share the impact doTERRA had on the communities where each essential oil is sourced. doTERRA has a goal of positively tripling their impact by 2030. There are ten oils specifically that have the largest impact on the growers, distillers, and communities from which they are sourced – Helichrysum is one of those ten oils. In this article I will be sharing the uses, benefits, DIY ideas, and how you can help make a positive impact right from your home by purchasing Helichrysum essential oil. 

“Helichrysum is the oil of emotional pain. Helichrysum is an amazing healer of emotional pain. It aids the walking wounded, those with a history of difficult life circumstances, trauma, self-destruction, loss, or abuse.” (This quote comes from the Essential Emotions: 10th Edition Book. All essential oils have both physical and emotional properties. This book is great for breaking down the emotional properties of each essential oil.)



Helichrysum comes from a perennial herb with narrow, silver leaves and flowers that form a cluster of golden yellow, ball shaped blossoms. In Greek “helios” means sun and “chrysos” means gold – this is where the name Helichrysum is derived from. Helichrysum has been highly valued and sought after for its many health benefits since ancient Greece.
The flowers from the Helichrysum plant are harvested once a year in late summer or early fall – Helichrysum essential oil is primarily sourced from the flower. The plant grows best in rocky, well-drained soil and the Mediterranean climate. A plant reaches its peak production after about 5 years and lasts for 7 years total.
Helichrysum has a sweet aroma, but not floral sweet more like a honey sweet. However, it also does not smell like honey - there is a pungency in the aroma. This is not an oil that I would personally diffuse in my home, but it is definitely an oil that I keep on hand in my bathroom cabinet for the unexpected.
When I think Helichrysum, three primary benefits come to mind: for all things skin, support the nervous system, and of
occasional physical and emotional discomfort. Helichrysum can be used on cuts, scrapes, skin redness, or skin abrasions that have a risk of scarring. It has been dubbed “liquid stitches” in some communities. I would personally use Helichrysum for any injuries or surgeries to help support the nervous system and aid in the healing process. It is a very powerful essential oil for both physical and emotional discomfort.
doTERRA offers both the 5mL of Helichrysum and a prediluted version in a roller bottle: Helichrysum Touch.

Benefits and Uses

  • Improves appearance of the skin
  • Commonly used in personal care products
  • Uplifting aroma
  • Apply topically to reduce the appearance of blemishes.
  • Apply to the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and to promote a glowing, youthful complexion.
  • Massage into the temples and the back of the neck for a soothing sensation.


My Experiences with Helichrysum Essential Oil

I keep a mini hoard of Helichrysum essential oil, because I never want to run out of it. We use this in our house anytime there is skin redness, cuts, bruising, a risk of scars, and basically any other skin blemishes. For abrasions that run the risk of scarring I will mix Helichrysum with a little bit of Yarrow | Pom oil. It can also be used for enlarged veins that often pop up on the legs. Just mix a few drops of Helichrysum with fractionated coconut oil and rub on the legs after a shower to improve the appearance of enlarged veins.
I also carry Helichrysum Touch in my hiking bag, the roller bottle makes it easier to rub on any skin abrasions that may occur while hiking. The touch version can also be used to run over the nose and cheek bones for occasional nose bleeds. Helichrysum is a must in all my first aid kits. I keep a first aid kit in my hiking bag, I take a mini kit on bike rides, and I keep a kit in my car. Something that I recommend for mini first aid kits that will be left in a car or a place that can get overly hot or cold is using doTERRA’s Dram Keychain (photo below). This is a travel ready, zippered, hard-shell pouch that can hold 8 5/8-dram vials. When you purchase the keychain, it comes with the drams. This will allow you to pack a small amount of the essential oils you need. This will save you space when you pack and keeps the entire bottle of oil from being subjected to repeated temperature changes. 

Speaking of first-aid kits, another must have is doTERRA’s Correct X ointment – which contains Helichrysum essential oil along with other skin soothing oils. This ointment can be used on cuts, scrapes, and skin redness. It helps skin return to a healthy state after being distressed. To learn more about the essentials I take on hiking and camping trips read, 9 Essential Oils You Need in Your First Aid Kit for Camping and Hiking Trips | doTERRA Essential Oils for Your Hiking Pack.

Using Helichrysum topically is a great way to support the nervous system, I like applying it to my spine for these instances. If you are experiencing physical discomfort, you can add Helichrysum to a roller blend or even put it in a bath. I have been using Helichrysum and Yarrow | Pom oil on a burn I got from getting food out of the oven and the burn is healing nicely.

Helichrysum has potent anti-aging properties – many of doTERRA’s anti-aging skin care products contain Helichrysum. Immortelle is a powerful proprietary blend of essential oils that helps reduce the appearance of fine line and wrinkles, helps reduce the appearance of aging skin, and promotes smoother, more radiant, and youthful looking skin. To learn more about doTERRA’s skin care products read, Skin Care Review with doTERRA | HD clear, Verage, & Essential Skin Care Line Explained. 
Helichrysum can also be found in the new sun care line from doTERRA. Don’t let the After Sun Spray title fool you, I will be using this product year-round, especially during Colorado’s dry winters. To learn more about the benefits of After Sun Spray read, doTERRA Mineral Sunscreen Review | Everything You Need to Know About doTERRA's Suncare Products. 
For emotional healing I recommend applying Helichrysum over your heart.

DIY Idea Using Helichrysum

Razor Relief Serum 

Relief Roller Blend 

Happy Teeth Health Protocol 

Healthy Bones Roller Blend 

Bruise Blend Roller Recipe 

Dark Eye Circles Roller Blend 

DIY Facemask 

Post Workout Bath Time Blend 


Diffuser Blends Using Helichrysum


Behind the Bottle

Helichrysum essential oil is sourced from Albania and Corsica.

2021 Sourcing Impact:
  • People empowered with sourcing jobs:
    • Albania: 335
    • France: 25
  • Lives Supported:
    • Albania: about 938
    • France: about 55
Why Albania and France (Corsica)?
Helichrysum thrives in the Mediterranean climate found in Albania and Corsica.
People Empowered: Sustaining Long-Term Partnerships
Our partner in Albania provides farmers with long-term contracts. This absorbs price fluctuations so that farmers can receive a consistently fair and transparent price. Additionally, it helps provide more stability and security for farmers.

Impact Stories
The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation recently supported our sourcing communities in Albania by renovating schools. Five schools in desperate need were chosen. Healing Hands helped with major repairs, especially to the bathrooms. This was especially important to Albania because the country is currently a candidate for European Union membership. To join the Union, however, they must meet required standards. One of these standards includes proper bathroom ratios for the students and the teachers in every school. Each school that the Healing Hands Foundation supported is now up to the standard. Additionally, Healing Hands supported building one brand new school during the time of the repairs for the other schools.

When the earthquake shook Albania is 2019, Healing Hands and our partner worked with local organizations to provide temporary shelters and basic needs, including food, medicine, and clothes. 24 families (124 people) received temporary homes, 121 families (619 people) received emergency materials to cover their basic needs, and 393 individuals received health support, including medicine, psychosocial, and other mental health services.

In 2020 and 2021, Healing Hands has supported anti-trafficking programs for youth and social workers in the south of Albania, where human trafficking has surged in the last 30 years. The program for 40 adolescents and 20 state social workers in Delvine and Saranda, organized by the Mary Ward Loreto Foundation (MWL), works to eliminate human trafficking in Albania through advocacy, prevention and support for victims and potential victims of trafficking (PV/VoTs).

There are two components of this initiative:
  • Youth Program: Provide weekly in-person and online trainings and activities for 10 months to 40 youth in Delvina and Saranda. Lessons will be on leadership, healthy relationships, self-realization, community activism, and volunteering service learning. A social worker and psychologist from MWL will lead the program and work with the youth’s parents. They will also support and oversee the formation of two active youth social clubs for long-term support. These adolescents will develop the knowledge and skills to be safe, lead healthier lives, contribute to their community, and how to report any suspicious activity to an MWL social worker.
  • Social Worker Training: An assessment conducted by MWL, and the National Referral Mechanism of the Ministry of Interiors (NISMA) found that the state social workers in Delvina and Saranda lack training and the necessary skills to conduct proper Standard Operation procedures and provide case management support. This funding provided a 10-month training for 20 state social workers to increase their capacity for rescue, trauma support, and prevention.

When you purchase Helichrysum essential oil from doTERRA you get to be a part of the positive impact doTERRA is making in Albania and Corsica. You get a say in where your money goes and be part of the Co-Impact Sourcing model. doTERRA allows you to participate in conscious consumerism when you purchase their essential oils. 

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