Creating Your Personalized MetaPWR Wellness Routine

doTERRA released a brand-new system in the fall of 2022 called the MetaPWR System. This system is a collection of simple supplements that supports the transformation of your metabolic health. The MetaPWR System works to optimize healthy lifestyle choices. 
Since its release, I have been conducting my own product review, recording my results while taking the products, and jotting down the most frequently asked questions I get about the MetaPWR System. In this article I will be divulging my tips and hacks for creating your own personalized wellness routine with the MetaPWR System, my personal results from using the system, results that others have shared with me, and answering those frequently asked questions. 

 If this is your first-time hearing about the MetaPWR system and you wish to understand the the science behind the system better, check out my article: MetaPWR Review with doTERRA | Supporting Metabolic Health Naturally
The MetaPWR System is much more than an essential oil blend or a collagen supplement – it is an entire system designed so that each product within the system works with and enhances the benefits of the other products.

Establishing your own wellness routine of incorporating each of the MetaPWR products is going to make remembering to take the products easier and will ensure you see the best results. 
Through my own experience and tips I’ve crowd sourced from the many people I have helped incorporate the MetaPWR System into their daily routine this is the simple 3-step process I have come up with to help users see the most results. 

3-Step MetaPWR System 

Step 1: MetaPWR Advantage 
Step 2: MetaPWR Assist  
Step 3: MetaPWR Metabolic Blend 

Keep in mind the goal for you is to develop a personalized daily wellness routine – the tips and tricks I share below may not work for you. I recommend just jumping right in, keeping a simple journal, and adapting your wellness routine to meet your specific lifestyle and needs. 

Step 1: MetaPWR Advantage 

The first step in the MetaPWR system combines the power of marine collagen, NMN, and 10 other synergistic ingredients to target cellular integrity and health-span. This product can replace vital collagen your tissues need and support natural production of NAD+ in your body, helping you slow the signs of aging inside and out. The 12 synergistic ingredients in MetaPWR Advantage give your cells what they need to support cellular integrity. 

MetaPWR Advantage is delivered to you in hydrolyzed powder format for a more active and bioavailable delivery system at the time of taking it. Simply mix it with water immediately before you drink it. When you mix MetaPWR Advantage with cool or room temperature water, you’re consuming it as a liquid, meaning your body can easily absorb the stable, non-degraded nutrients without the sugar content that accompanies a prepackaged juice format or the value loss that occurs during pasteurization. 

What is NMN? 
NMN stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide, a molecule naturally occurring in all life forms. At the molecular level, it is a ribo-nucleotide, which is a basic structural unit of the nucleic acid RNA. Structurally, the molecule is composed of a nicotinamide group, a ribose, and a phosphate group. NMN is the direct precursor of the essential molecule nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and is considered a key component to increase NAD+ levels in cells.

What makes doTERRA's collagen different than others on the market? 
Most collagen products only feature one or two collagen peptide types, usually the collagen types that are most relevant to skin beauty, elasticity, and wrinkles. MetaPWR Advantage features those types of collagen too, but a competitive advantage we are extremely excited about is that it does not have just one or two types of collagen. It includes nine unique collagen peptide types. We are emphasizing the whole-body role of collagen.

In addition to being powdered, our collagen is also hydrolyzed, meaning it is cut into specific tripeptide fragments, which dramatically increases its bioavailability. In fact, it was demonstrated to be 12 times more absorbable There are more fantastic ingredients in MetaPWR Advantage, our collagen is just a piece.

How to Take MetaPWR Advantage 
I break my morning fast with MetaPWR Advantage. I mix one sachet to 5-8oz of cold/room temperature water. I then use an electric whisk to mix it up (the electric whisk is not necessary but does help, you can also use a shaker bottle). I do not mind the taste of MetaPWR Advantage, so drinking it with 5-8oz of water is not a big deal for me, but if you do not like it, you can chug it or mix it with less water to get it down quicker. There are some other options below 

MetaPWR Advantage Hacks: for those who don’t like the taste 
  1. Add just enough water (2-4 oz), mix, and take it as a quick shot. Chase with a glass of water. 
  2. Use a shaker, frother, or simply shake it in a mason jar to make sure it mixes well. 
  3. Add a few drops of MetaPWR or another citrus oil to the mix. 
  4. Hold your nose while you swallow it. 

My Notes: 
When I started taking MetaPWR Advantage, I thought my body didn’t like having it first thing in the morning. I was combining it with my matcha tea, and it felt too energizing. After a few days, I started skipping my morning matcha and realized I wasn’t craving that caffeine first thing in the morning anymore. I found that the Advantage gave me plenty of energy. Some coffee drinkers have been able to give up their morning coffee as well. 

Other users  have found MetaPWR Advantage not energizing to them at first. If you’re older or perhaps have some health conditions when you turn on your mitochondria which is turning on a lot of cells in your body, it can make you feel fatigued, in that case you may prefer to take this at night. 

There is also what is called a “Super User” meaning you use more than one sachet a day. This may be ideal for you if you are older, have a larger body mass, or are working through a lot of health challenges. In these cases, you would use two sachets a day. 

I noticed changes in my changes in my skin within the first week of using this product. I noticed the smoothness and suppleness of my skin while washing my face – my husband has also noticed the changes in my skin. 

Step 2: MetaPWR Assist 

MetaPWR Assist is a natural supplement formulated to help smooth out the curves in normal-range blood sugar around mealtimes. A key ingredient in MetaPWR Assist is mulberry leaf extract, which has been shown to reduce carbohydrate digestion by 42% when taken with a meal. When you take one MetaPWR Assist capsule, the mulberry leaf extract helps your body metabolize what you just ate slower. Of course, MetaPWR Assist is designed to be paired with a healthy, whole-food diet.

How to Take MetaPWR Assist
Take MetaPWR Assist 15-30 minutes before your most carb-heavy meal of the day. It is good to get in the routine of taking MetaPWR Assist while you are cooking your meal. If you are planning to go out to eat you may want to take it in the car before going to the restaurant or taking it as soon as you arrive at the restaurant. You can take Assist more than once a day if you are having more than one carb-heavy meal a day. Dinner is usually my most carb-heavy meal of the day, so that is when I usually take Assist. However, sometimes I want to have pancakes for breakfast or if I know I will be going out to eat and will want a fancy desert, I will take two Assist capsules on those days. 

MetaPWR Assist works best if you take it 15-30 minutes before your meal, but if you forget, just take it with your meal. If you want to get it into your system faster, you can break the capsule pour the contents in water and shoot it, but I do not recommend this – it tastes awful. 

My Notes: 
MetaPWR Assist helps stabilize your waking glucose levels. I think this is one of the things that is helping with my mood. I am noticing that I don’t get hangry or anxious around mealtimes anymore. I think I had some underlying blood sugar issues that I wasn’t aware of. Those levels are more balanced now with the MetaPWR System. 

I recommend keeping extra Assist capsules in your purse, backpack, or whatever you carry daily for days when you decide last minute to indulge in a meal out or a desert you weren’t planning to eat. 


Step 3: MetaPWR Metabolic Blend 

This step is centered around the MetaPWR Blend essential oil. MetaPWR blend is available in multiple delivery forms in order to be as convenient and accessible as possible. Along with a 15 mL bottle, MetaPWR also comes in vegetarian and keto-friendly beadlet and softgel form. The beadlets and softgels make taking MetaPWR internally simple—near effortless. You can also chew MetaPWR Satiety Gum when those disruptive cravings hit.

Taking MetaPWR essential oil blend internally may help curb hunger cravings, reduce adipose fat cells, and support healthy metabolic function. 
With the many different delivery methods of the MetaPWR Blend there are many ways to work this step of the system into your daily routine. I like to add a few drops of this blend to my water in the mornings (note: if you are adding essential oils to your water, make sure you are using a glass container). It is recommended to get about 6 drops into your body a day, but not all at once. 

Ways to add MetaPWR Blend to your daily routine:
  • Add a couple of drops to your water in the morning after taking MetaPWR Advantage.
  • Take a MetaPWR softgel after each meal  
  • Take MetaPWR beadlets whenever hunger cravings hit throughout the day. 
  • Chew MetaPWR gum throughout the day to avoid mindless snacking. 
I recommend keeping the MetaPWR beadlets and gum in your bag while on the go, so that you have them throughout the day or to stave off cravings. You may find after using for a while that you like using them differently to work with your daily routine.  My suggestions are just a beginning guide, you have to discover how they work best for you.

My Notes: 
You will need to drink more water as you begin using the MetaPWR System – more water than you think you will need. This will mean more time in the bathroom; you may even notice more bowel movements as your body begins to detox. Drinking plenty of water will help to move those toxins out of your body faster. Some people experience fatigue or skin eruptions during this detoxing process. 


Other Ways to Use MetaPWR Blend Essential Oil 

  • Add MetaPWR Blend to your dry brushing routine. If you have never tried dry brushing before, I highly recommend it. Dry Brushing helps to drain the lymphatic system. Adding a drop or two of the MetaPWR Blend to your dry brushing routine can help with cellulite. You can read more about the benefits of dry brushing and how to do it properly in my article: The Benefits of Dry Brushing Skin.
  • Diffuse MetaPWR Blend to promote an uplifting, stimulating environment as you focus on mindful eating. 

My Notes of User Experiences with the MetaPWR System 

If you are experiencing bloat, increase your water intake and let your body go through the detoxing process – this issue usually resolves itself within a week or two. 
Weight Management: 
MetaPWR is designed to balance your metabolic health. Sometimes the goals we have for our bodies and the goals our bodies have are different. Your body may be focusing on balancing out your hormones or supporting your joint health or mental clarity before allowing for healthy weight release. 
I know that many people who are starting MetaPWR are looking for healthy weight release, but understand if that doesn’t come right away, pay attention to the other benefits you may be experiencing from using the MetaPWR system. If you are looking for healthy weight release, make sure you are also taking your measurements, because you may not see a difference reflected on the scale, but often you will notice a difference in measurements. 
If you have access to a sauna, use that in conjunction with the MetaPWR system to help your body detox and let go of toxins that have built up overtime. 


Can I take it with my other supplements like LLV?

MetaPWR was not designed to replace Lifelong Vitality supplements. The function of Lifelong Vitality and MetaPWR are quite different. They each address unique needs. We know even the best diets are deficient in vital micronutrients. The dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV) was created to fill the gaps. Optimize your metabolism through macronutrients, curb cravings, shed excess weight, with MetaPWR. MetaPWR does not provide all the minerals and vitamins that your body needs to support function.

Nutrition and metabolism have a synergistic effect on your health and overall wellness. While nutrition is the process of nutrient acquisition from your environment, metabolism is the chemical process your body uses to transform the food you eat into fuel. Studies have found persistent disturbance of nutrient metabolism or energy homeostasis—caused by either nutrient deficiency or excess—induces cellular stress, leading to metabolic dysregulation. If you are experiencing a vitamin deficiency, your metabolism is going to struggle. Nutrition and metabolic support go hand in hand. They are the perfect health and Vitality pairing. 

If you are not already taking wellness supplements or have questions about adding supplements like Lifelong Vitality to your wellness routine, I encourage you to read: doTERRA Supplements Explained. 

No matter what level of health you are at the first step is making a decision and getting started. Wholesale customers can get the MetaPWR system at 25% off. If you are not a wholesale member you can get started here.
If you haven’t already, you can join doTERRA’s Power to Be, which is a free 30-day guided wellness program offered to all doTERRA wholesale customers. Experts will walk you through different wellness tips you can incorporate into your daily life to optimize the results of the MetaPWR System.

No minimum or monthly purchase requirements to maintain wholesale pricing. Get more info and shop wholesale oils here. Check out the Blissed Mama Shop Page.  
Already a wholesale customer? Order your favorite wellness essentials on your next LRP and receive 10-30% back in free product points. Explore the benefits of the Loyalty Rewards Program here.
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