Spanish Sage Essential Oil Benefits & Uses with doTERRA

Spanish Sage (Salvia lavandulifolia) is a small evergreen shrub that’s grown in the cool mountain air of Spain and France for centuries. It’s refreshing aroma creates a stimulating atmosphere, and it supports a calm mind and sense of alertness when used internally.
Spanish Sage was first announced during the 2022 convention. If you were at convention or ordered a convention kit than you may be wondering how to use it or what to do with it. I know mine sat in the box for a few months before I really worked out how to use it. In this article I will be sharing my favorite ways to use Spanish Sage as well as its benefits, uses, and how it is sourced. If you don’t already have your hands on this exceptional oil, it is predicted to be released in March 2023. 



Spanish Sage has a very herby aroma - it doesn't quite smell like a dried sage or even the kind that you cook with it. If Eucalyptus and Rosemary had a baby, I think it would smell like Spanish Sage. The aroma has the brightness of Eucalyptus, but the herby smell of Rosemary. 
Primary Benefits
  • Supports a calm mind and sense of alertness when taken internally
  • Provides an uplifting, soothing aroma 
  • Promotes a positive atmosphere that may be conducive to focus and concentration 
  • Helps create an environment that’s supportive of memory and cognitive performance when diffused
I have found that I like using Spanish Sage to clear physical space. You may have heard the phrase “saging yourself/space.” In traditional practices you would burn sage to clear a physical space, but I think Spanish Sage works much in the same way when you diffuse it in a space. You could also add it to a spray bottle to use in your car, your office, or while traveling. 
My home started to feel heavy this month after clearing out the Christmas decorations and the beautiful lights. It felt like all the warmth that the Christmas season brough was gone. Diffusing Spanish Sage has really helped to lift some of that heaviness. I have really enjoyed diffusing it with Grapefruit and Wild Orange. The citrus oils help to elevate the mood and the Spanish Sage has made our home feel lighter. 

  • Try using Spanish Sage with your dry brushing routine
  • Perfect to diffuse before yoga, meditation, or before homework
  • Helps create an environment that’s supportive of memory and cognitive support
  • In addition to the aromatic benefits, it can be used topically as well (perfect for head tension)
  • Mix with Aromatouch for your next massage
  • Massage it into your scalp when you shampoo your hair for luscious locks
  • Add to the diffuser of your choice when studying or intensely focusing
  • Take with water before an important test or presentation
  • Dilute with a carrier oil or cream to enhance a deep-tissue massage

Mental Clarity 

When Spanish Sage was first shared with us at convention, I think the benefit of mental clarity was the most popular. Spanish Sage is amazing for clearing out mental cobwebs. Anytime you are feeling mentally stagnant get this oil on your body or diffuse it. You will find some diffuser blends at the end of this article, but I think Spanish Sage and Peppermint would be really invigorating for the mind. You could also try Rosemary and Spanish Sage.

Spanish Sage has supplemental facts on the bottle, which in doTERRA world means it is safe to use internally. It does not have the constituents that are harmful and found in common sage when you have it in large amounts. So put a drop under your tongue or add it to a veggie capsule and take it internally for mental clarity. 

DIY Ideas Using Spanish Sage 

Bath Salt 
Sage does not disappoint when using with bath salts. Just add a cup of unscented Epsom salt to your bath and about 3 drops of Spanish Sage and enjoy the spa like experience.  
Spanish Sage has camphor and some other constituents in it that help to relieve muscle tension. When I used this in a bath recently, my muscles kind of melted and it was a dreamy experience. 

If you are experiencing neck or head tension, you can apply a few drops of Spanish Sage to your temples or massage into your neck muscles. I think the next time I get a massage I'm going to bring my Spanish Sage and Aroma Touch oil. The Aroma Touch oil is great for tension too. It's the massage blend and it helps to loosen up tight muscles. Camphor and 1,8-Cineole—the primary chemical constituents in Spanish Sage—make the essential oil an ideal addition to a post sports or deep-tissue massage.

Sugar Scrub 
Sugar scrubs are super easy to make. You will need about 1 cup of fine sugar, half a cup of fractionated coconut oil, and mix it until it's slushy. Then add about 12 drops of essential oil. When I made a sugar scrub using Spanish Sage, I added 6 drops of Lavender and 6 of the Spanish Sage. 
Add a drop of Spanish Sage to a squirt of your shampoo and massage it into your scalp – this will help with hair health. I have mentioned in previous articles that Rosemary essential oil added to your shampoo is good for stimulating hair growth. So now I keep a bottle of Spanish Sage in my shower and on hair washing days I add a drop of Rosemary and a drop of Spanish Sage to my shampoo before washing my hair. Imagine using this in your shampoo first thing in the morning and really starting your day off with a clear mind.  

Homemade Soap 
Add Spanish Sage to your homemade soap. I think the aroma of Spanish Sage would lend itself nicely to a soap and as with using it in your shampoo, I think using Spanish Sage scented soap would be very invigorating in the morning to clear out those mental cobwebs. If you have never made your own soap before, it is super simple – read: 5 Minute Lavender Oatmeal Soap to learn how. Just swap out the essential oils in this recipe for Spanish Sage. You could even keep the Lavender and just add Spanish Sage. 

Lip Balm 
Want kissable soft lips or a fun DIY project to do with friends? Try making my super simple lip balm recipe using and Spanish Sage. You can whip up these lip balms in around 10 minutes and they will leave your lips feeling soft and slightly silky. To get my lip balm recipe read: DIY Lip Balm Recipe with SuperMint Essential Oil. Swap out the Supermint Essential Oil for Spanish Sage. 

Holistic Uses for Spanish Sage 

Dry Brushing 
Add Spanish Sage to your dry brushing routine.
Dry brushing is a type of Ayurvedic medicine. This type of medicine was started in India and has been around for over 3000 years. The premise of Ayurvedic medicine is that health and wellness depends on a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit. 
Dry brushing is the practice of using a brush with coarse, natural fiber bristles and gently brushing over the entirety of the body in a particular pattern. 

There are many benefits to dry brushing one of those benefits is the removal of dead skin and improve the skin’s ability to eliminate toxins through the pores. 
One of the bigger benefits is stimulating the lymphatic system. When sick or exposed to a lot of toxins the lymph nodes may become clogged and backed up. Since the lymph nodes filter out the toxins from the body, when they are clogged it can length the amount of time toxins are in the body.  
Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system by opening up the pores and allowing the body to sweat out the toxins. 

When I worked at the clinic as an occupational therapist, we would often do massages that were specific to lymphatic drainage to help people start to eliminate toxins in the body. 

When dry brushing you will start with your feet, making small circle with the brush, and slowly moving upwards towards your heart. 

To learn more about dry brushing with essential oils read: The Benefits of Dry Brushing Skin | Essential Oils for Dry Brushing
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
As mentioned Spanish Sage is great for calming the mind and body. You can use Spanish Sage with a tapping technique called Emotional Freedom Technique (I am not an expert on this technique, so I recommend doing some research to learn how to do it if you are unfamiliar with it). I think using Spanish Sage in conjunction with this technique would enhance the benefits of both. 

Sourcing Info 

I enjoy sharing the sourcing information on doTERRA’s essential oils, anytime I get the chance. doTERRA uses a Co-Impact Sourcing Model which means every time you purchase a doTERRA Essential Oil, you make an impact across the globe. Co-Impact Sourcing is a model of sourcing the best, while helping the most. No other essential oil company operates under this model. 
Why Spain? 
Salvia lavandulifolia, or Spanish Sage, thrives in the cool air of its native southern Spain’s hills and mountains and similar regions along the Mediterranean.
Only about 5% of doTERRA Spanish Sage is wild harvested—most of it is grown and cultivated. The seedlings are planted about 2,000 feet (600 meters) above sea level in the hills and mountains in southern Spain. This perennial plant requires so little water that no irrigation is needed.

Each year’s harvest is in August but can continue through November if necessary. Due to the topography of the region, all harvesting is done manually using a hand sickle. A farmer will distill their Spanish Sage the same day he or she harvests it using a local still in their area. The plant material is steam distilled for approximately three to four hours to produce Spanish Sage essential oil.

Diffuser Blends 

When diffused, the oil may create a stimulating atmosphere supportive of memory and cognitive performance training. When taken internally, Spanish Sage supports a calm mind and sense of alertness. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your essential oils. This is how you learn what works best for you in various situations. Diffusing is one of the best ways to try out essential oil pairings without wasting a lot of the oil. It is also a good way to test if you are drawn to the aroma of Spanish Sage. You don’t want to mix Spanish Sage with your shampoo if you don’t like the smell. If you already have Spanish Sage start experimenting with it and if you don’t have it already be on the lookout for it in March 2023. I think you will love having it in your essential oil collection. 

No minimum or monthly purchase requirements to maintain wholesale pricing. Get more info and shop wholesale oils here. Check out the Blissed Mama Shop Page.  
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Stress Buster, Morning Bliss, and Immune Support are three things I can use more off as a busy mom. Luckily, I have a specific roller bottle for each of those things and I can easily apply them as I am driving my daughter to school each morning. If you want to make your own roller bottle blends with those recipes plus 12 other recipes, grab my free eBook below. 


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