Top 10 Essential Oils for Beginners | doTERRA Basics

In nearly every starter kit provided by doTERRA, you'll find a curated selection of essential oils. These aren't chosen at random; instead, they represent the foundational pillars for anyone's essential oil collection due to their broad utility, ease of access, and comprehensive range of therapeutic properties. They are particularly well-suited for those just getting started on their essential oil journey. 

This article highlights the top ten essential oils for beginners. If you’re new to the world of essential oils, grabbing these ten oils is an excellent initial step. Their inclusion in doTERRA's starter kits shows their importance and utility. For most of the oils I have included links to other articles where you can learn more about that specific essential oil or other ways to use that oil. Diffusing essential oils is one of the best ways to start reaping their benefits, so I have made sure to include diffuser blends as well. 

1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is a must have essential oil. It is often referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of essential oils due to its versatility and many, many uses.

3 Ways to Use Lavender Essential Oil
  1. Sleep Support
  2. Promotes Relaxation
  3. Soothe Skin
Derived from the lavender plant, this oil boasts a gentle floral scent that is beloved by many. Lavender can be used for soothing mild skin irritations, reducing anxious feelings, ease feelings of tension, and so much more. It can be added to bath water to soak stress away or applied to the temples and back of the neck to ease head tension. It can also be added to your laundry detergent when washing your bedding. I tend to burn myself while getting things out of the oven, so I like to keep Lavender oil in my kitchen to grab and apply to minor burns.

The aroma of lavender has a calming effect on the mind and body, making it ideal for promoting relaxation and sleep. Diffusing lavender oil in your bedroom before bedtime or adding a few drops to a warm bath can help create a peaceful atmosphere and prepare you for a restful night's sleep. You can find more ways to use Lavender oil and other essential oils to support healthy sleep habits here: Top 10 Essential Oils to Get a Better Night's Sleep
Lavender oil is also known for its mood-balancing properties. The aroma of lavender can help alleviate feelings of stress and tension by promoting a sense of tranquility. There are so many ways Lavender can be used that I believe everyone needs this essential oil in their home.


2. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil, also known as melaleuca oil, contains powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Tea tree oil is commonly used to treat acne-prone skin due to its antibacterial properties. It can be applied topically to blemishes to help reduce inflammation and prevent breakouts. When diluted with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, it can also be used to soothe minor skin irritations and promote healing. It is often used in haircare products to promote a healthy scalp and hair. It can help alleviate dandruff, reduce scalp irritation, and promote hair growth when added to shampoos or hair treatments.

3 Ways to Use Tea Tree Essential Oil
  1. Hair and Nail Health
  2. Promotes Clear Skin
  3. Apply to Blemishes
Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant and can be used to clean and purify surfaces around the home. It can be added to homemade cleaning sprays or diffused to help eliminate airborne pathogens. Inhalation of tea tree oil can help clear congestion and alleviate symptoms of common respiratory conditions. It can be added to a bowl of hot water for steam inhalation or diffused in the air to help ease breathing. 

The way that I used Tea Tree for hair and nail health is by making a spray with ten drops of Tea Tree, Lavender, and Rosemary added to about 2 oz of water, and I spray that on my daughter’s hair every morning before school so that she doesn’t bring those little bugs home in her hair from school. This can also be used on the nails of the feet, for any nail funk you may be experiencing. Tea Tree is included in almost all the essential oil kits that doTERRA offers, because this is just one of those must have on hand oils to use whenever you need it.


3. Frankincense Essential Oil

 If Lavender is the Swiss Army Knife of essential oils Frankincense is the King of essential oils. Frankincense essential oil, derived from the resin of the Boswellia tree, has been revered for centuries for its medicinal and spiritual properties. Spend enough time around essential oil people and you will hear the phrase, when in doubt, get your Frankincense out. Frankincense can be used to improve the appearance of skin imperfections and it can also be used in a veggie capsule to support healthy cellular function. It is known for supporting healthy cellular, immune, nervous, and digestive function when used internally. It can also be diffused to create a peaceful and satisfying aroma.

This oil is prized for its anti-aging properties and ability to promote healthy, youthful-looking skin. It can be added to facial moisturizers or serums to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. The earthy, woody aroma of frankincense oil is known for its grounding and uplifting effects on the mind and spirit. Diffusing frankincense oil or applying it topically to pulse points can help promote feelings of relaxation, peace, and spiritual connection.

3 Ways to Use Frankincense Essential Oil
  1. Grounding
  2. Cellular Support
  3. Healthy Skin
Frankincense oil has immune-boosting properties and can help support overall immune function. It can be applied topically to the chest, back of the neck, or bottoms of the feet to help strengthen the body's natural defenses against illness. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation and discomfort associated with conditions such muscle soreness and joint stiffness. It can be applied topically to affected areas or added to a carrier oil for massage. Read more about how to use Frankincense essential oil here: 31 Days of Frankincense Essential Oil Recipes

4. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is loved for its invigorating aroma and cooling sensation on the skin. The refreshing scent of peppermint oil can help boost alertness, focus, and mental clarity. Diffusing peppermint oil in your workspace or inhaling it directly from the bottle can help enhance cognitive function and increase productivity. It is commonly used internally to alleviate symptoms of digestive discomfort. It can be taken internally in capsule form or added to a carrier oil and massaged onto the abdomen to help soothe digestive issues.

3 Ways to Use Peppermint Essential Oil
  1. Cooling and Energizing
  2. Freshen Breath
  3. Ease Head Tension
Peppermint oil has a cooling effect on the skin and can help alleviate discomfort associated with muscle tension, head tension, and minor discomfort. Diluted with a carrier oil, it can be massaged into sore muscles or applied topically to the temples for head tension. 

You can also add a few drops of Peppermint to a spray bottle with some water and use it as a cool down spray when spending time outside in the summer months. Another way to use it outdoors is as a natural deterrent for pests such as spiders, ants, and mice. Spraying diluted peppermint oil around doorways, windows, and other entry points can help keep unwanted critters at bay without the use of harmful chemicals. You can learn more about using essential oils in your organic garden in my article: Organic Gardening Tips with Essential Oils

5. Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil is known for its uplifting citrus scent and cleansing properties. The bright, citrusy aroma of lemon oil is known to uplift the mood and increase feelings of happiness and positivity. Diffusing lemon oil in your home or workspace can help create a cheerful atmosphere and boost energy levels.

3 Ways to Use Lemon Essential Oil
  1. Cleansing
  2. Sticker Remover
  3. Mood Booster
Lemon oil is a powerful natural cleanser and disinfectant. It can be added to homemade cleaning products to help purify surfaces and eliminate odors. When diluted with water, it can also be used as a household cleaner for countertops, floors, and other hard surfaces. For internal cleansing, Lemon oil can be taken internally to support detoxification and cleanse the body from the inside out. Adding a few drops of lemon oil to a glass of water and drinking it first thing in the morning can help stimulate digestion, support liver function, and promote overall wellness.

Lemon oil has astringent and clarifying properties that make it beneficial for skin care. It can be added to facial cleansers, toners, or masks to help reduce excess oil, brighten the complexion, and improve the appearance of blemishes and dark spots.
Lemon essential oil is great for removing labels, stickers, or anything sticky from glass surfaces. Picking labels off glass jars can be a chore sometimes, but in my experience, Lemon really helps to take labels off easily. For wood surfaces you may want to spot test before using Lemon oil to remove stickers from it. Citrus essential oils like Lemon have several benefits, you can read more about those here: 10 Benefits of Citrus Essential Oils

6. Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano essential oil is another oil that is known for its potent antimicrobial properties and immune-boosting benefits. It is a powerful immune booster and can help strengthen the body's natural defenses. It can be taken internally in capsule form or diluted with a carrier oil and applied topically to the bottoms of the feet or along the spine to support overall immune function. Oregano oil is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against oxidative stress and free radical damage.

3 Ways to Use Oregano Essential Oil
  1. Immune Boosting
  2. Cleansing
  3. Use in Cooking
Oregano oil has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that make it effective for supporting respiratory health. Inhaling oregano oil or applying it topically to the chest can help alleviate unwanted symptoms of seasonal ailments, winter bugs, or other common respiratory conditions. This oil can also help support digestive health and alleviate symptoms of abdominal discomfort. It can be taken internally in capsule form or diluted with a carrier oil and massaged onto the abdomen to help soothe digestive issues.

According to doTERRA’s website, “The primary chemical component of Oregano is carvacrol, a phenol that possesses antioxidant properties when ingested.” It is recommended that Oregano be diluted with a carrier oil when being applied to the skin. Oregano can be taken internally to support healthy digestion and respiratory function.
Oregano is quite strong, so if you are using it in a pasta sauce you only need to dip a toothpick in the Oregano oil and add that to your pot of sauce; you do not need a full drop.
Oregano can also be incorporated into a 30-day gut cleanse. Check out my article, 30 Day Cleanse: Get ready to GLOW, increase vitality and feel AMAZING 

This steam cup recipe below is one of my favorite ways to use Oregano. It is very strong though, so I wouldn't recommend it for little children.

7. On Guard Protective Blend

On Guard is a proprietary blend of essential oils designed to support immune function and protect against environmental threats. On Guard is formulated with essential oils such as clove, cinnamon, and eucalyptus, which have powerful immune-boosting properties. Diffusing On Guard oil or applying it topically to the bottoms of the feet can help strengthen the body's natural defenses. Like Oregano, On Guard can also help support respiratory health and alleviate symptoms of seasonal ailments, winter bugs, or other common respiratory conditions. Inhaling On Guard vapor or applying it topically to the chest and throat can help open airways and promote clear breathing.

3 Ways to Use On Guard Essential Oil
  1. Immune Support
  2. Household Cleaning
  3. Diffuse to Purify Air
With its natural disinfectant properties, On Guard can be used to clean and purify surfaces around the home. It can be added to homemade cleaning sprays or diluted with water and used as a household cleaner for countertops, floors, and other hard surfaces. To learn more about using essential oils to create your own cleaning products, check out my article: Green Cleaning Recipes Using Essential Oils

On Guard can also be used to promote oral health and hygiene. Adding a drop of On Guard oil to your toothpaste or mouthwash can help freshen breath, reduce plaque buildup, and support gum health. For more ways to support oral hygiene with On Guard and other essential oils check out my article: Essential Oils for Oral Health: 7 Steps for Fresh Breath, Whiter Teeth, and Healthy Gums with doTERRA

Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Leaf, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Leaf, and Rosemary Leaf/Flower essential oils.
Beyond the popular On Guard essential oil blend, doTERRA has expanded this line to include a variety of products, leveraging the same protective formula.

On Guard+ Softgels

These are designed to support the immune system and respiratory function. They combine the On Guard protective blend with Black Pepper, Oregano, and Melissa essential oils for additional immune support.

On Guard Sanitizing Mist

This mist is perfect for purifying hands by eliminating bacteria and other germs on the skin. The moisturizing formula effectively cleanses while soothing the skin, making it ideal for on-the-go protection.

On Guard Foaming Hand Wash

This hand wash is gentle on the skin and effective against contaminants, ensuring hands are clean and soft after washing.

On Guard Toothpaste

This fluoride-free toothpaste combines the On Guard blend with other natural ingredients to clean and whiten teeth while freshening breath and promoting healthy oral hygiene.

On Guard Cleaner Concentrate

Designed for natural cleaning and safe for the entire family, this concentrated, multi-purpose cleaner is powerful enough to eliminate pathogens, leaving surfaces clean and purified without harmful residues.

On Guard Laundry Detergent

This detergent uses the power of On Guard to clean clothes thoroughly while also leaving them smelling fresh and clean. It’s designed to be gentle on fabrics but tough on contaminants.

8. DigestZen Digestive Blend

DigestZen is doTERRA’s digestive blend. It is great for using to aid in the digestion process. It can soothe occasional upset stomach and works to reduce gas when used internally. DigestZen contains essential oils such as peppermint, ginger, and fennel, which have been traditionally used to support healthy digestion.

3 Ways to Use DigestZen Essential Oil
  1. Digestive Health
  2. Supports Gut Function
  3. Soothe Stomach
Add DigestZen to water to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. If you experience motion sickness when flying or during long periods in the car, try rubbing a drop of this on your stomach prior to beginning your trip. Use DigestZen in a diffuser for a sweet, minty calming aroma. This is great to add to water and drink if you are feeling stomach discomfort or you can apply it topically over the abdomen.

Peppermint, Coriander, Ginger, Caraway, Cardamom, Fennel, and Anise essential oils
Digestive health is incredibly important, you can read more about DigestZen and other essential oils to support a healthy digestive system here: Digestive Health with doTERRA | 9 Natural Solutions for Better Digestion

9. Breathe Respiratory Blend

Breathe is doTERRA’s respiratory blend. This powerful blend is great for promoting or maintaining the feeling of clear airways and easy breathing. Breathe can be applied topically to the chest, back, and bottoms of the feet at night to promote restful sleep. It can also be diffused to reduce seasonal or environmental threats.

3 Ways to Use Breathe Essential Oil
  1. Apply Pre-Workout
  2. Open Airways
  3. Respiratory Support
I like to apply a drop of Breathe to my chest before going to the gym for a workout. It helps support increased oxygenation to the blood and it helps my lungs feel open. I also like to diffuse it with Lavender for my daughter before bed, especially if she is feeling congested. 
Breathe is a lovely oil to help alleviate symptoms of seasonal threats. Inhaling Breathe oil or applying it topically to the sinuses can help reduce inflammation and promote clear nasal passages. 

Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Peppermint Plant, Melaleuca Leaf, Lemon Peel, Cardamom Seed, Ravintsara Leaf, Ravensara Leaf essential oils

10. Deep Blue Soothing Blend

Deep Blue contains essential oils such as wintergreen, camphor, and blue tansy, which have been used to provide relief for sore muscles and joints. You can use Deep Blue oil topically to help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort.

3 Ways to Use Deep Blue Essential Oil
  1. Use On Sore Muscles
  2. Ease Tension
  3. Soothe Muscles After Exercise
Deep Blue can help provide relief for a variety of physical discomforts, including head tension, monthly cramps, and back discomfort. It can be used to soothe sore muscles after a workout or just a long day at work. It can be applied to knees and feet before and after a workout. Dilute it with a carrier oil and massage it into growing kids’ legs before bedtime. Use on lower back muscles to soothe discomfort.
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts love Deep Blue oil for its ability to support post-workout recovery. Applying Deep Blue oil topically to tired muscles and joints can help speed up recovery time and reduce muscle soreness. Personally, I like to apply Deep Blue before I go to the gym and get sore. I keep this oil in my hiking bag as well to apply as needed on long hikes.

Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus
doTERRA has made it incredibly easy for you to get started using these essential oils – there are two kits that come with all ten of the essential oils mentioned in this article, plus a diffuser.

1. Healthy Start Kit (Small 5 ml Bottles)

The Healthy Start Kit is an excellent choice for those new to essential oils or looking to start their wellness journey with a curated selection of top-quality oils. 

This kit includes 5 ml bottles of the essential oils discussed in this blog post:
  • Lavender
  • Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
  • Frankincense
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon
  • Oregano
  • On Guard Protective Blend
  • DigestZen Digestive Blend
  • Breathe Respiratory Blend
  • Deep Blue Soothing Blend
In addition to the essential oils, the Healthy Start Kit also includes a Pebble diffuser, allowing you to enjoy the aromatic benefits of these oils in your home or workspace.


2. Home Essentials Kit (Large 15 ml Bottles)

The Home Essentials Kit is perfect for those who are serious about incorporating essential oils into their daily routine and want larger quantities to enjoy. 

This kit includes 15 ml bottles (three times the amount of the Healthy Start Kit) of the same essential oils featured in the Healthy Start Kit:
  • Lavender
  • Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
  • Frankincense
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon
  • Oregano
  • On Guard Protective Blend
  • DigestZen Digestive Blend
  • Breathe Respiratory Blend
  • Deep Blue Soothing Blend
Additionally, like the Healthy Start Kit, the Home Essentials Kit also includes a high-quality diffuser (Laluz Diffuser), allowing you to experience the aromatic benefits of these oils throughout your home.

These kits provide everything you need to begin your essential oil journey and experience the numerous benefits of these powerful natural remedies. Invest in your health and start your essential oil journey today with the Healthy Start Kit or Home Essentials Kit.

Whether you are brand new to essential oils or have been using them for a while, I hope you found the information in this article useful. If you are new to essential oils, it can feel overwhelming and you may feel like you need all the essential oils right away, but these 10 oils will give you a good start and you can build your stash from there. By going back to the basics and focusing on these foundational oils, beginners can lay a solid groundwork for your journey into aromatherapy. 

Do you need doTERRA essential oils at a discount? You can access free doTERRA wholesale pricing on my Blissed Mama Shop Page.
No minimum or monthly purchase requirements to maintain wholesale pricing. Get more info and shop wholesale oils here.
Already a wholesale customer? Order your favorite wellness essentials on your next LRP and receive 10-30% back in free product points. Explore the benefits of the Loyalty Rewards Program here.

Do you love recipes?  Me too!  I am providing you with a free eBook that contains diffuser recipes for every month of the year. Sign up to receive your free copy of Diffuser Blends for Every Month below.


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